Nee – Non – No

A lot has been said already about the vote against the EU constitution, and I doubt if I can add something useful to the discussion. My ‘no’ to this constitution is a quite fundamental one. Like many others already commented, the EU is an undemocratic system, which is reason enough to vote against. Some say it is a ‘toy’ for the political elite (the Berlusconi types, as I heard say), but my fear is that it is not just that. Read for example what Henk Medema writes about it.

And did you know that this was not the first vote about a European constitution in the Netherlands? More than 50 years ago (!), about 95% of the population of Delft and Bolsward voted ‘yes’ for a united Europe with a constitution! The world has changed…

Een gedachte over “Nee – Non – No

  1. Viva La France! Viva Netherlands! The human paradigm finally shows itself!!!

    Human is earth’s Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature
    and nature’s God a creature of Choice – and of Criteria.
    Psalm 119:30,173 His unique and definitive characteristic
    is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his
    environments, institutions, and respectful relations to his
    fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots
    are in the Order of the universe.

    Welcome Generation-Choicemaker!!!

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