Agape UK visit

Visited the Agape UK office in Birmingham today. [By the way: I flew with – never heard of, but surely a good thing! Paid 6,80 for the ticket (!) and had a perfect seat.] Since we are in the middle of many changes, I thought it’d be good to see how our sister-organisations are doing things. I found out there are many similarities, but also a number of significant differences. Stuff to think about, that’s for sure! I was impressed by the way they have their processes organised. They seem to do a lot of work with a small amount of people, which obviously are all highly skilled.

At 5 pm we went to a pub in downtown Birmingham. Some staff are trying to connect to the business community, and so every Thursday night they are in a popular pub. The connections are not there yet, so it was interesting to hear them discuss ways to establish them; they even discussed which places to take at a table, so that others might join them. It occurred to me that there is a very strict dresscode (charcoal business suits and so) and that none of the group was dressed accordingly. Well, I was, but that doesn’t count, I presume.

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